

Steven Bettencourt stands at the vanguard of mental health coaching, with Efterstormen, a beacon for those seeking guidance through the ebbs and flows of life. With a tapestry of experience spanning decades and a soul deeply attuned to the human condition, Steven and his team offer a lifeline to clarity, purpose, and peace of mind.

My latest book for personal growth

Focus, Efficiency, Productivity

After spending most of my life believing that I had to put aside my own needs to take career action, I finally realized that I do not have to choose between being self-organized and creative in business. Learn more about it in my book.

Benefits for The Whole Family

Efterstormen’s approach extends beyond the individual, fostering a sanctuary of well-being for the whole family. Our tailored strategies promote self-love, respect, and empathy, essential threads in the fabric of a harmonious family unit. Discover effective beliefs and routines that empower every family member, helping you all to live more fully in the moment and communicate with heartfelt authenticity.

What do people say?

Testimonials from the folks who changed their lives – for better.

"The Efterstormen coaching sessions have provided me with invaluable tools for managing stress and fostering a healthy work-life balance. Steven’s wisdom and actionable strategies have been instrumental in navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship. I’m grateful for the renewed energy and focus I've found."
Sophia Rodriguez
"As an educator, the demands of the job can be overwhelming, but Steven’s coaching has been a beacon of calm in the storm. The techniques I've learned for effective communication and empathy have not only enhanced my personal life but also my relationships with my students. Efterstormen’s impact is truly profound."
"Michael Thompson
"Working with Efterstormen has been a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Steven’s unique approach to mental health coaching has taught me to prioritize my well-being, which has dramatically improved my creativity and productivity. His compassionate guidance is a true game-changer."
"Laura Kim

Communication is Oxygen

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